Village Church is not a place for people to gather to know God but a people who are sent back into the city for God. Our church will be sent out into the city every week to live and to work as missionaries carrying the name of Jesus into their schools, workplaces, and homes. (Matthew 28:19-20, Acts 1:8)

#FORTHECITY is our overarching name for the different ministry endeavors that contribute to discipleship and compassion in our city. It is all the ways our church is working to seek the welfare of our city, make disciples and send our people. We do not want to just be a place for people to gather to know God but a people who are sent back into the city for God.

If you have an interest in any of these or have any idea for a new one, let us know!

Celebrate Recovery
We want to help those in our community fight addiction in a Christ-centered way.

Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered, 12 step recovery program for anyone struggling with hurt, pain or addiction of any kind. We have teamed up with our friends over at Wallace Memorial Baptist Church. Celebrate Recovery meets every Monday at 5:30. 

If you are struggling with addiction, please know you are not alone. We would love to have you join us to find freedom and community. 

We need several volunteers to help! A few churches in our area are coming together to help those suffering with addiction. If you want to get involved, contact us by clicking the link below!

Contact Form
Knoxville Dream Center - Food Truck
We want to provide groceries for families in our city.

We are so thankful for our partnership with the Knoxville Dream Center as they allow us to help provide groceries to our city. If you or someone you know needs groceries, come see us on Monday from 5:00-6:00pm! You can also volunteer to help us serve by filling out the form below. Once you fill that out, we will be in contact with you!

Norwood Makers Market
We want to help connect and support people in our community.

Village Church is happy to host this community event! The Makers Market is hosted 3-4 times per year. We prefer to set up outside but have the ability to move inside in case of inclement weather.

This internationally-inspired, market is a chance for people in the community to sell their goods, ranging anywhere from homemade bread to unique crafts and decor. This is a great chance to meet, connect with, and support folks in our community while shopping these unique handmade goods!

Want to participate? We are in need of several different vendors. If you or someone you know would be a potential vendor, please contact for more info.

Learn More
School Support
We want to help the schools in our city by providing needs, resources and encouragement.

Another way we can be for our city is by being involved at the local schools. We have great relationships with Norwood Elementary and Northwest Middle School. There are several ways to get involved with the schools. There is everything from becoming a paid subsitute, being a volunteer or delivering a lunch to a student that is doing online learning due to the pandemic. You can also help provide support for the staff through meals or small gifts. We would love to expand to more schools so we can do more for our city. 

If you are interested in helping a school or would like more info, fill out the form below!

Compassion Coalition
We want to help those in our city experiencing economic turmoil.

Did you know that 1 in 6 Knoxville residents live at or below the poverty line? Currently, 26% of our neighbors are living in poverty compared to 12% nationally.

Compassion Coalition is a member based organization that exists to help the collective church respond to the needs that often go unmet in our city. They call these “gap needs”.

CC helps Knoxville churches, like us, by informing them of needs in Knoxville; equipping them through training; connecting them to areas of need and empowering them to serve our city.

We are thankful to partner with Compassion Coalition. If you would like to find out more about how to help those who are homeless or in need of assistance, fill out the form below. 

We want to help those in our city in need of clothing or household items.

KARM has something called "Corners of Your Field" as a partnership opportunity for local churches like us. This means that when you choose to donate your gently used household items to KARM Stores, we get a portion of the value of those items in the form of gift cards. This means we can provide coats, clothing and household items for people right here in our community. So next time you are donating items to KARM, be sure to mention Village Church! 


You can always give to help supply needs for these and other needs in our city.

Just choose "for the city" in the dropdown menu to specifically give towards this ministry.